Living Life Outloud

Lives outloud

This is where I am today.  I don’t reside here on a regular basis. I’m actually fairly quiet, I don’t draw a lot of attention to myself and I’m happy sitting along the sidelines.

On a recent Sunday morning, I didn’t make it to my normal place of community worship.   I’ve been a little under the weather and had just seen two nieces and a friend off  on their way back to Florida. Scanning channels I thought I’d catch some church’s broadcast and landed on Joel Olsteen’s congregation. I don’t typically watch anyone on TV with any regularity but must say, the Holy Spirit led me there yesterday morning.

Joels’  entire message was on Resurrection Power– which we are all living under! ! It is the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I burst  into tears three times during the broadcast because my Spirit convicted me in places where I hold unbelief. He taught on the perspective of how the enemy sees us. If you’ve read any of my post I usually come at it from the way God views us, so this was different for me.

He used several good stories but the one that stuck with me was when the Syrian army had surrounded Elisha’s house because he was telling the Isrealites the Syrian battle plans. Elisha’s servant goes out in the morning and sees the army and runs back in waking Elisha in great fear. Elisha’s prayer was “God open his eyes so he may see.” Elisha instructs his servant to go back out and when he does, not only does he see the Syrian army but the hillsides are covered with a heavenly host of warring angels, there on behalf of Elisha.

I wept. If I really believed that God loved me as much as Elisha, to send thousands of warring angels for my benefit would my life not look a little different? Would I cower in fear at the enemy’s attacks? NO!  Wouldn’t I live life outloud? My heart’s desire for everyone who calls Jesus Lord, is that we would walk in the boldness, the power, the divine protection he gave us on the Cross through his Resurrection. There is nothing SMALL about it!

I was so moved by this sermon, I invite you to visit and listen to sermon #575. I pray it will encourage and strengthen your Spirit.  I pray it will fan the flame of your Faith and you’ll desire to shine with his Glory and LIVE OUTLOUD!

More than Conquerors

conquerer  Christ having been crucified and resurrected has given you power to conquer all your fears with help from the Holy Spirit. You are more than a conqueror and were designed to have dominion over everything as God first set up Adam and Eve in the Garden. This is  amazing! A true cause for celebration. As someone who lived in fear a large portion of her life, this is so freeing.

I’m going to get very personal. You’ve read my post, Fear Factor on the overwhelming fear of bees I’d had since childhood.  You may think that a very small thing.  So let me describe a different kind of fear.

My ex-husband was manic bi-polar. He was an orthodontist and very, very good at what he practiced. His practice was thriving. He was a perfectionist when it came to his career. One of his patients had NOT brushed her teeth or kept them clean while in braces. She’d gone to her Dentist which told her she had gingivitis and would need gum surgery.  She convinced him, my husband was to be held accountable.

He called me at work that afternoon, bereft and despairing. I tried to encourage and cajole. We met friends at a local restaurant later that evening and he seemed fine.

In the wee hours of the morning, I awoke to a horrible sound. He was throwing things in our living/dining area against the wall, expletives breaking the sound waves of the like I’ve never heard before or since. It was numbing fright that kept me coiled up in bed unable to move. I played out all kinds of scenarios in my mind. A 57 Magnum was in the top drawer of our chest of drawers. I whispered prayers of protection around me, realizing he was completely overtaken by his anger.  I laid there for several minutes until I heard him crash onto the sofa on the other side of the wall from where I was sleeping, obviously exhausted.

The next day, the only remark he made about the incident was if the Dentist had been standing in front of him, he would have killed him. Can you imagine how fearful for my own life, I’d been? It was a LONG time before I felt safe again.  The Holy Spirit had to come comfort all those broken, fearful spots. Even typing this out, it brings it all back so vividly. This is not who I am any more.

You don’t have to be either! In Christ we are made free and whole.

Romans 8: 15-17, The Living Bible, So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him , “Abba, Father”. (16 )For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. (17) And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.

We live in a broken world which affects us in the natural state. You will encounter things that can deposit themselves in nests already built, like fear, anxiety, worry, anger, resentment and low self worth. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to eradicate fear out of your life and step into the magnificent role of conqueror!

Repeatable prayer: Papa God, I know you designed me to be a conqueror but I have so much (fear, anger, anxiety) in my life, I feel anything but. I break away  those emotions from myself and ask you to  send your Spirit to comfort and heal all the places those lies have attached themselves. They are no longer a part of who I am. I claim, through Jesus Christ, I am free and whole.