A Transparent Update

Pervasive Have you ever felt distracted? Like you’re cruising or maybe sleep walking through the fog? Maybe it’s depression. Maybe it’s despair.  Maybe it’s muddled thinking. Maybe, like me, searching….

Searching for my life’s path. I thought I knew where I was headed, only to feel completely derailed.  I have been exhausted trying to discern where my next steps lead. Family and friends, well meaning, especially hubby, have offered up a truck load of suggestions. We’ve had lots of conversations about where I should work or what avenues I should pursue.  I’ve been a bit obstinate. I’m almost 48, I’ve had a steady job for  33 of those 48 years. I don’t want to labor away at something I don’t LOVE! I want to do something that makes a tangible difference in peoples lives.

I want you to know, I’m not always on top of my game (actually never, without a little help), my life’s circumstances aren’t always rosy and I often find myself sliding into a spot of doubt and unbelief. Thank God, He loves me enough to keep pursuing me, keep reminding me, keep offering me forgiveness, love, joy and peace.

Things are starting to “crack” for me.  I am eternally grateful. I’ve been getting new material for here, working on my novel again and working part time at something I LOVE.  Three months ago, my spiritual mentor, Lydia, said she heard from the Lord that someone would be approaching me about a job, and while it didn’t fit what I thought I needed, I should say YES, because it would turn into something else. Nothing for three months. Not a blip on the radar. Then an email two weeks ago. I said Yes. Though I don’t know for sure where this is going, I’m saying YES.  Which leads me to the title for an upcoming post…. What are you saying YES too?

I would covet your prayers as I get back in the swing of things.  Standing on the Promises recorded in Scripture, I claim a clear mind, a body healed by Jesus stripes  while operating in the power that raised Jesus from the dead.  Hope to see many of you on this new path. Have a blessed week, anchored in praise and thanksgiving!

Discerning Your Path

sewn owls Discerning our paths are not easy; they are often full of pitfalls, bullies, and doubts. Three months ago I quit my full time job because I felt a really strong desire to step out and start my ministry. I’ve been mentoring homeless women for about two years and had become frustrated with the lack of work for them especially if they had been incarcerated. In the Fall of 2012 I had a dream about producing stuffed owls that would speak five affirmations, You are Loved, You are Smart, You are Brave, You are Kind, You are Important, and get shipped out to orphanages around the world (not every where since owls represent witchcraft in some cultures). I named them Hoot & Hilda in honor of some beloved childhood family friends. I thought it was a brilliant idea-God breathed in fact. I’d be able to employ some of the down trodden and empower whole generations of children.

I began searching  online for patterns and designs I liked, ordered fabric, put the word out I’d be  hiring a few women to get started, reading books on building non-profits, exploring new avenues for raising funds and then NOTHING….no prototypes, no income, no takers. I became discouraged and disappointed. Ever been there?

Is it in alignment with my PURPOSE? Yes. But for some reason Papa God is saying not now. I received a word from a prophetic friend who said she felt like I wasn’t supposed to produce them. Not ever? Not now?  Hire a plush company to produce them? Questions I haven’t received an answer on yet.  Other good friends, Chris and Angela said they felt like I embodied Hoot and Hilda because of my passion for what we speak. I received a similar message from a couple who were praying over me. They said “You have a lot of things in front of you and God is shaking them up so you’ll focus more clearly on the one He has planned for you”. I have sensed him doing something new in me, I don’t know what it looks like yet…but it’s coming.

I’m not going to tell you I have this figured out.

I am simply trusting that the Creator of the Universe has a better plan for me!  I am walking out my faith day by day. When I feel like the path has been obscured or disappeared I have to believe He loves me and has my steps aligned for me. When your going through a difficult period in pursuing a dream or passion, look for the messengers of Faith He will send your way!

A Question of Community

CommunityWhat does your community look like? Not where you reside but the individual people you interact with on a regular basis. I confess, most of my life, my community has closely resembled me; a middle class,college educated white woman who attended some kind of religious establishment at least twice a week.

Consider Jesus’ community when he walked on the earth as man. He was a friend to the tax collector, the prostitute, lepers, the lame, the blind, the broken. He took average men, fishermen, tax collectors and made them disciples. James and John, the sons of Zebedee were nicknamed ” Sons of Thunder” . How do you think they earned that nickname? I imagine they were loud and obnoxious, constantly bickering. Peter was a hot head also, always ready to jump in for a little contact. Even walking with Christ they often didn’t understand his parables or still believed his kingdom was going to be of earthly things. After being in community with Jesus for three years, he based his ministry on those same men to distribute the Good News.

The Church has largely told the world, “when you get your junk cleaned up, come.” Jesus said, “Come, and I’ll give you the power and authority to overcome  your junk.” Are we not to be of the same mindset? Thankfully, I believe God is sending an awakening to his people. He’s raising up new prophets, teachers, healers, disciples and beautiful things are happening.

My own community changed a lot over the last two years and now includes, homosexuals, prostitutes, drug addicted, homeless and mentally challenged individuals in a mix of colors and cultures. The Holy Spirit is doing marvelous things, breaking down strongholds, healing broken places and identifying Jesus as their Savior. Some of them have started to believe it. Others aren’t sure yet. Some of them have overcome great difficulties but because of their faith have seen amazing results. I am thankful the Lord has brought each of them into my community. My prayer is I will love them each, the way my Lord does.

Take a look at  your community and ask where the Lord is leading you. Let him diversify your group. He only has your best interests at heart, so have no fear. If your life looks a little mundane, ask the Holy Spirit to bring new people to your life who will stretch, bless and challenge you.

If we are to reflect Jesus on the earth, isn’t it time we do community like he did?