Paper Dolls and Jesus

Paper DollsWhat do Paper Dolls and Jesus have in common? For a long time He was about as flat as a paper doll to me. Don’t get me wrong. I love Paper Dolls, have since childhood; they don’t have much to offer except an exercise in creativity.

Jesus was about as effective to me. Sure I could talk to him but it was really a one way street. Paintings and pictures of him I saw,  always depicted Him as the Good Shepard, meek, mild and in my mind- docile. That is, until I read John Eldridges’ book, The Beautiful Outlaw. All of a sudden the character of  Jesus sprang to life!  Of course HE is compassionate, merciful, and LOVE all wrapped up in a RADICAL, CUNNING, SMART, SAVVY and POWERFUL Saviour. Even Jealous. Jealous for our love. I can’t begin to give you all the ways I started experiencing Him differently, it would take pages.  His love was tangible to me in a vibrant, living way. I started receiving the blessings that had my name on them, orchestrated by a Redeemer who loved me. Things that spoke to my spirit and soul. Isn’t it amazing that he orders things during our days to heal, prosper and comfort us in ways that only one who knows us intimately could arrange? Our innermost, secret wishes and dreams are made possible through Jesus- the author and protector of our Faith.

Last winter Mercy Me released a new song, Great I AM, which spoke deeply to my new relationship with Christ.  The chorus says, “You’re the one who conquers giants (David & Goliath) , You’re the one who calls out Kings ( 1&2 Kings), You Shut the mouths of Lions (Daniel), You tell the dead to breathe (Gospels). You’re the one who walks on fire, you take the orphans hand, You are the Great I Am!”  I sing it at the top of my lungs when I hear it on the radio!

Do those lyrics sound like a docile, meek, Lord?  NOT AT ALL! If you relate to my story, I invite you to pray for a new anointing of revelations about the character of Christ.  Leave the Paper Doll Jesus behind and walk into a marvelous, exciting , radical relationship with Him.

The Battle for your Mind

Chess pieces I had an interesting conversation with a coworker a few weeks back. This young man has a tremendous ability to forgive. I’m not going into his family history but his willingness to forgive some blatant mistreatment from close relatives has blown me away. He grew up Catholic but in the last few years has really begun seeking a personal relationship with Christ. One day he said to me, “I’m so glad I have the Holy Spirit as my navigator and guide. He lets me know every time I mess up or make mistakes. I then can go and ask for his forgiveness and sets me back on the right path.”

Smiling at him, I said, ” I’m so glad you are listening for his voice, however, this is not from Jesus.”

He looked at me quizzically and said, “Who is it then?”

I replied. ” Jesus only comes at us from our destiny, not out past. Their is NO condemnation, judgement or fault finding in Jesus- there just isn’t. When you get messages from your past, it’s the enemy of your soul. Jesus would not tell you you are a goof off, or remind you of any past sin. It is all been forgotten. There is a battle going on for your mind. If the enemy can keep you focused on your sin, you are putting yourself back under law and not the grace covenant Jesus died and was resurrected for. When you start hearing the fault finding and condemnation you tell it to scat, it has no place in your life.”

A few days later he gave me a big hug when I saw him and said, “That was a complete game changer for me. I am learning to differentiate and rebuke the enemy in Jesus name. I’m having amazing dreams of who HE is and who I am in him.”

My prayer for him and for you, is that your discernment for the voice of the shepherd of your life will increase and you will rebuke and destroy the work of the enemy in your mind.

Joyce Meir has devoted a whole book to this topic, Battle Field of the Mind. Our thoughts are often under attack because the enemy wants to make you doubt  the life affirming love of Jesus. We buy into the lies a million little different ways. We place ourselves back under the struggle to meet the requirements of the Law Covenant. We let our minds strive instead of resting in the provision and goodness of God. We believe lies of self-righteousness, performance based religion which totally negates the work of Jesus on the cross.

Take action! Do not sit idly by and believe the lies of darkness. You are a child of light! Believe it! Live it! Walk in it!