Celebrating Life With Gratitude

Celebrating Life with Gratitude

What one word would you think is a powerful attitude changer?



I propose it is one of the core foundations of life. When operating out of a grateful heart, the universe expands in its indiscriminate wish to bless. It changes our perspective and allows little gems of grace to find their way into our hearts.

You’ll find from the first small step, your life groove shifts. If you are someone who struggles with negativity, depression, or anxiety this merge into more thankfulness can dispel those nagging  blues. If your circumstances look bleak, your relationships lace luster, again, a directional change into gratitude could be the key you’re searching for.

Start small in recognizing blessings, write them down and say them out loud.  Maybe it’s a hug from a friend, a smile from a stranger at the grocery store or something as seemingly small as a traffic light staying green until you’ve cleared it.

The important part is you start being more purposefully observant to the small blessings which surround you each day. Expressing gratitude gets you beyond yourself, opening you up to new opportunities.

I am confident as your heart is transfigured by this expanding gratitude, you’ll identify changes in your relationships, your places of work and play, and your own perspective.

I’d love to start a conversation during the holidays. What would our homes, offices, schools, sports clubs, etc. look like if we were practicing more gratitude?

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