A New You for 2013.

As we say goodbye to 2012 and approach a new year, this is my wish for each of you.

1) Pursue something new in your life that brings you joy.Get back in touch with your inner child and pursue a new creative outlet. Maybe it’s a knitting class, a book club, performance art, taking flying lessons or piano lessons- the point is doing something new!

If you’re like me, adding something means subtracting something. Make a list on paper of where you spend most of your time. Keep what is essential and let go of what’s not.

2) Make more time for friends who add light, laughter and love to your life. Most of us have people or things which seem to suck our energy even when they contain the best intentions. When your bucket seems empty, a good friend can be the medicine for the malady. The universe seems to shift when good friends get together in a burst of goodwill, joy and happiness.

3) Learn something new this year. Spend some time investing in your own wellbeing. Our minds are wonderful machines which like to be stretched and exercised. I encourage you to research something that interests you, read something challenging, engage in some kind of play that opens and energizes your mind.

4) Set attainable goals. This time of year, many of us make blind resolutions which set us up for failure. Goals on the other hand are measurable, written, attainable through a series of steps and designate a time limit.

For instance, I have determined to pursue a Master’s Degree beginning this summer. What are the steps I must make? a) research the monetary requirements and get the necessary finances together b) set up a meeting with an adviser c) prepare a defense d) plan my case load per semester e) register f) begin.

I’d love to have a conversation with you about your goals for 2013. As you gear up for 2013, I hope you will seek peace, practice generosity, live well and love deeply. I hope you’ll grasp life and dream BIG!

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